Sunday, August 28, 2011

Quiz 95 | General Knowledge Of Human Body

1.Tibia is a bone found in the

A. Skull
B. Leg
c. Head
B. Hand

2.What does cause of Diabetes(Sugar)?

A. Efficiency of Insulin
B. Deficiency of iodine
C. Deficiency of Insulin
D. Deficiency of Sugar

3.'Arthritis' is a disease of the inflammation of

A. tooth
B. ears
C. joints

4.Endoscopy, a technique used to explore the stomach or other inner parts of the body, is based on the phenomenon of

A. Total internal reflection
B. Interference
C. Diffraction

5.Which of the following diseases usually spreads through air ?

A. Plague
B. Typhoid
C. Tuberculosis
D. Cholera

6.From where does the blood get its colour from?

A. Capillaries
B. Plasma
C. Haemoglobin

7.Blood is filtered by which pair of organs?

A. Panceraes
B. Lungs
C. Kidneys

8.The insulin, a necessary harmone to absorb glucose (sugar) from the blood, is produced by which endocrine gland in human body ?

A. Thyroid
B. Adrenal
C. Pancreas
D. Pituitary

9.What is RuBisCO?

A. A Sugar
B. A Fat
C. An Enzyme

10.Where is Bile produced ?

A. Pancreas
B. Liver
C. Throat
D. Kidney

11.The harmful gas which is sent out of the body is ?

A. None
B. Oxygen
C. Nitrogen
D. Carbon dioxide

12.Which part of the circulatory system pumps blood to all parts of the body?

A. Arteries
B. Capillaries
C. Veins
D. Heart

13.In humans, which protein transports oxygen from the lungs to the rest of body ?

A. Lectin
B. Keratin
C. Collagen
D. Hemoglobin

14.Acrosome in a sperm is secreted by

A. Endoplasmic reticulum
B. Mitochondria
C. Golgi bodies
D. Centrioles

15.Which organ uses 25% of our oxygen supply?

A. Brain
B. Hearts
C. Lungs

16.Which one of the following organs excretes water, fat and various catabolic wastes?

A. Kidney
C. Skin
C. Spleen
D. Salivary Gland

17.The main constituent of hemoglobin is

A. Chlorine
B. Iron

18.How many teeth should a normal healthy adult have?

A. 32
B. 30
C. 34

19.Protein which renders a cell less susceptible to attack by viruses is called

A. Actomyosin
B. Chloromycetin
C. Hybridoma
D. Inferon

20.Which of the following is the source of adult human stem cell?

A. Liver
B. Bone Marrow
C. Brain

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